Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Diceman - AKA Captain Spackypants

malformalady: Black Obsidian skull. The skull is 5.3 inches...


Black Obsidian skull. The skull is 5.3 inches long from front to back, it has a moveable jaw, and all the teeth are made of Australia opal.

Psychopathia Dyschronialis and related problems

Dyschronia is a little-known but growing problem in the world today. In the same family of disorders as is dyslexia, this abnormality usually involves a complete loss of any sense of time. In its most common form, the primary symptoms are noticed when the victim fails to show up at work. Or at home.

Here, then, is a taxonomy of the known forms of dyschronia. Don’t waste as much time reading it as I spent writing it!

— Dr. Ty M. Waster, M.n.M.

Maciatic Dyschronia This is the classic, most well-known type of dyschronia. Affecting mostly women, its symptoms appear in the following context: the victim enters a store “for five minutes” and an hour or two or three pass. When she comes out, she is amazed that the time of day is more than five minutes later than when she entered. Discovered, documented, and made profitable by Drs. William H. Macy and Bryant Gimbal.Enephelitic Dyschronia This type affects mostly men; it is also called football dyschronia, despite the fact that it is unrelated to either the feet of the sufferers … or their balls (as far as we know). Outbreaks of enephelitic dyschronia tend to peak most years in mid-winter (late January, usually), where the most virulent form is known as Super Ebola.Quaking Dyschronia (Croft’s Disease) Characterized by a quaking or twitching, mostly of the fingers, this syndrome was discovered by archaeologist Dr. Lara Croft, in an obscure tomb in Venice.Debugging Dyschronia 99% of the patients with this type of dyschronia are software engineers. It usually involves sitting in front of a computer screen and typing a few characters every five minutes, otherwise apparently doing nothing. For hours and hours.Fernseher’s Dyschronia The above three dyschronias are examples of Fernseher’s dyschronia, so-called because they all involve sitting in front of a box and doing nothing useful. The victim might as well be sitting and staring at a fern, for all the good the “activity” does either the patient or society.


WASH: So, two days in a hospital? That's awful. Don't you just...

WASH: So, two days in a hospital? That's awful. Don't you just hate doctors? 


WASH: I mean, present company excluded.


helpyoudraw: wing references


wing references

Some MBTI humor and the role the Inferior Function


Step one: open the following link:

Step two: Simply imagine the following line being spoken at 1:49 for the inferior function of your choice:

Ti inferior: "Logic behind it" can go FUCK itself!!

Fe inferior: Your feelings can go FUCK itself!!

Te inferior: The truth can go FUCK itself!!

Fi inferior: My own happiness can go FUCK itself!!

Ni inferior: Your visions of the future can go FUCK itself!!

Se inferior: Immidiate reality can go FUCK itself!!

Ne inferior: Hidden potential can go FUCK itself!!

Si inferior: The traditional way can go FUCK itself!!

The inferior function is sort of the suture that makes you a whole only through the systematic oppression of your inferior function: it is the exclusion on the inferior that allows the harmony of the rest. That which one understands yet chooses to exclude from having any real say in the construction of one's reality. Like a political party that is systematically stripped from all its power for change; it is there, visible and understandable, but only as excluded from the real locus of political power. That's the function of the inferior function: the empty remainder of what you do not have, but insofar it is a remainder it will always remind you of this loss. Being castrated of its power is something very different than it not being there at all: it still shapes your reality by its very emptiness of substance, not absence altogether.

continuousinitiation: theintp: i can feel it. There is...



i can feel it.

There is nothing more energizing.

"I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to..."

""I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.""

- F. Scott Fitzgerald (via jessicadnguyen)

greatrhodeybutt: haha avengers fanart that leaves black widow out hahahahahaha no


haha avengers fanart that leaves black widow out



the-more-u-know: 16 Fun Food Facts I know its not health...


16 Fun Food Facts

I know its not health related but… it's my blog deal with it :P


[More Health Infographics]


danielsharming: sometimes i swear people forget celebrities are living, breathing humans and aren't...


sometimes i swear people forget celebrities are living, breathing humans and aren't just shiny things we can admire and then destroy when they make a mistake

"I have to confess too, to stop lying. I don't read like I used to—although that's not necessarily a..."

"I have to confess too, to stop lying. I don't read like I used to—although that's not necessarily a bad thing. I rarely finish books. I've always had a habit of abandoning novels 50-100 pages before the end. I don't know why, I've always done that. I think I'm doing it more and I don't mind because I think my critical senses have improved and by eradicating book guilt I've reached a point where I am happy to cast things aside. I read 5, 10 books at once. I read them on paper and electronically as the mood takes me. I read with continuous partial attention and I don't care that I am frequently interrupting my own reading. I despise the discourse that says we are all shallow, that we are all flighty, distracted, not paying attention. I am paying attention, but I am paying attention to everything, and even if my knowledge is fragmented and hard to synthesise it is wider, and it plays in a vaster sphere, than any knowledge that has gone before. I go through cycles of belief about the future of writing, of publishing, of the written word. But too much is broken to continue to pretend that the models we have become used to, the models of sales and distribution, of composition and recompense, of form and style, of reading and attention, can stagger on much longer. This is the world we are living in and we can either lie to ourselves about it or we can dive headlong into the new forms and effects that it produces."


Stop Lying About What You Do |

I've posted this before. It points to a central aspect of my existence. Thus re-posting.

(via notational)


(via getthisvessel-shipshape)

prostheticknowledge: Kintinuous 2.0 Demo of 3D mapping tech...


Kintinuous 2.0

Demo of 3D mapping tech using a computer and Kinect, here impressively capturing a looped 300 meter journey - video embedded below:

You can find out more about the project here

foodnun: cakeandrevolution: absoluteweezy24: angelic-diablo: ...





Reblog this so eventually someone who knows this sick fuck will take the picture to his boss and get him fired and possibly in jail for intentionally endangering the health of Taco Bell patrons.

Get this fucker's face all over the internet NOW.


The shells were part of training for a new product and scheduled to be thrown away after the employees were done with their practice. The photo was taken as part of an internal Taco Bell contest to show employees enjoying their first taste of the new line although this picture was not chosen by the store for submission and the employee later posted it to his facebook page.

Thanks to people like you who didn't bother to check into what they were seeing and people who didn't believe Taco Bells statement on the picture they decided that due to the massive influx of calls it was better to fire this person for what was a little bit of harmless goofing off during training. Congratulations, this kid's out looking for a new job in a shitty market because people like you couldn't do a damn google search.

This is literally tumblr,where teenagers and 20 something talk about things they dont even understand

browningtons: nobody likes references more than daft punk


nobody likes references more than daft punk

onceuponatimetherewasanangel: I don't think anybody realizes how dependent on books, and movies,...


I don't think anybody realizes how dependent on books, and movies, and TV shows, and fictional places and things I am. 


"Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly..."

"Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough."

- Richard P. Feynman (via larmoyante)

an·ti·he·ro n. pl. an·ti·he·roes also an·ti-he·roes - a...

an·ti·he·ro n. pl. an·ti·he·roes also an·ti-he·roes - a protagonist who has little heroic virtues or qualities, blurring the line between hero and villain.

I don't see how Alex from A Clockwork Orange is anything besides a mostly sadistic psychopath.

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